Friday, June 5, 2009


Well, well, well.... look what we have here.... and actual entry. I haven't done one of these thingys in like... YEARS! Totally! Okay don't make fun of me for trying to sound cool. I've been trying to get one of these in but between the new job, family visits, masturbation, dog sitting, grandma sitting, and the pool I just didn't feel up to it. Plus nothing is really going on lately. I missed a bunch of rad shows I really wanted to see, haven't been to the theater for a movie since The Dark Knight, no travel, blahblahblah. So there hasn't really been much to talk about. I've actually been trying to stay home a bit more. Keeps me away from alcohol on work nights and spending money that really ought to be going to credit cards, or as I like to call them "my goddamn fuckin bitch ass cunt card". I did manage to score the rarest dunny from the UK Kidrobot series by Doktor A.

Yeah, I'm sure your all so jealous your pretty little heads could pop but it's a big deal to me. What? Fuck you guys!!

Oh, AAANNNDDDD there's a dope new Alex Pardee show in Portland at Zerofriends!! I think it's about the only reason to go to Portland. And maybe some good pot.

I know i tend to go on about Alex but I just can't get enough of him. I don't think i would say he is my favorite artist, but his style and talent inspires me to try and push my own art as far as possible. Maybe if I ever finish some of my stuff I'll post it on here and feel all cool. Until then I'll continue reading my new book and playing with my new toy....

But I must say all this hermit behavior is really taking it's toll on me. I wanna go out and meet some new people but I've always had trouble doing so by myself. I usually meet people through other people or at some social event where I'm around at least a few familiar faces. I'm finding now that most friends I used to spend practically my whole time with are moving on. Several have moved away, had children (love you Alex and Andy and Jordan!!), or just seem to be on some other level than I am now. Not in a bad way, just not the same. I know I can't do the same thing as I have been for so long. Change is good. I just feel a little left behind, like everyone I know and everyone I meet is already on their way to the future while I'm struggling to clean the past out of the present. I know, boo hoo Mike. Its just life. Get over it. I'm just sayin.......

On a happier note the summer is ON! It's been getting pretty damn hot out here in the desert! Thankfully I have a great pool in the back yard. My aunt just switched out chlorine for a slightly salted pool. It's amazing!! It's much easier on the body and the eyes (kinda like me). I thought it was kinda strange at first though. The water tastes like tears. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of tears. Sounds like a heavy metal lyric.

Enough for now. I bid you all farewell with these lasting images of my newest obsession/boyfriend Johnny Gunn. Ciao darlings.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm tryin'

really hard. job rocks. money rules. I have a bunny with tentacles. nachos rule!!!!! Raves are cool again??? take only what you need from it.....


Thursday, April 2, 2009

the truth

Ever felt like a fuck up?

I do.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Overdose - it's gonna be a Pardee

For those of you in the Santa Monica area this coming month with an itchin for some groovy visuals i highly suggest you go check out the Overdose art exhibit by Hi-Fructose @ the Copro Gallery opening on April 4 and running thru April 25. There is a barrage of amazing artists:

Alex Garcia Alex Pardee Andrew Hem Annie Owens Anthony Ausgang Attaboy Bob Dob Brandi Milne Brandt Peters Brendan Danielsson Chet Zar Chris Berens Chris Owens Chris Peters Chris Scarborough Greg "Craola" Simkins Damon Soule Dan May Dan Quintana David Correia Ekundayo Eric Fortune Erik Alos Femke Hiemstra Germs Glenn Barr Gris Grimly Jason D'Aquino Joe Vaux Josh Keyes Kathie Olivas Kenji Kokamoto KMNDZ Kris Kuksi Kukula Lola Luke Chueh Makiko Sugawa Mars-1 Martin Wittfooth McBess Mia Michael Page Naoto Hattori Nathan Spoor Robert Hardgrave Sam Gibbons Scott Musgrove Sergei Aparin Shag Skot Olsen Thomas Han Tin Tom Haubrick Travis Louie Viktor Safonkin Vince Cacciotti Yoskay Yamamoto Yosuke Ueno Yoko D’holbachie

Now I'm not even going to try and claim that I'm familiar with all the artists but some of my favorites will be there including the beartastic and totally woofable ALEX PARDEE!!!!!!

So anywho you should check this shiot out. (yes i meant to write shiot biatch) Unless you have better things to do. Like waste money on expensive cocktails in a club/bar that could give two shits about that gucci shirt you raped yourself on and just wants your money/time/life. I'm sure you have way more creative preoccupations. And plus you just ain't got time for them hoes.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Jobby Job. And so on

I got a job!!! It seems to be a great job. I make more money, work for a more reliable company, have a better cafeteria, can wear jeans, and it's only half a mile from home! I'm very excited. The only problem is getting to bed in time. After months of staying up till 3am watching Battlestar Galactica and Absolutely Fabulous I seem to be having trouble being asleep at a reasonable time. Go figure. But I'm getting up earlier and really worn out from today so it shouldn't be a problem in a day or so. Now i can hopefully have the funds to see Ghoul when they come to town in a couple months! Word!

So I got a text the other day from my friend in LA asking how i was. This was about a week or so before i got the job. I felt bad that all i had to offer was whining and pity for not having a job, or a life or whatever. But he still seemed keen on the idea of me coming out to Long Beach and spending a little time with him. I was so happy to hear that he still welcomes me even though we haven't had much of a chance to see each other in a year or so. He's such a nice person (and handsome too). He even said with his flyer miles he might be able to swing a ticket for me. *swoon* Now that I have a job it will be hard to manage that for a couple of months but what a sweetheart. It's always easier to deal with the present if you have something to work towards and look forward to.

School is also much more feasible now. I figure if I save my money and only make minimum payment to my 2 credit cards I will have plenty of money to take care of the next 2 semesters and still have a few grand saved for Tucson if everything works out. I REALLY want to go to Tucson. NAU ans ASU just don't appeal to me. Either too hippie or too..... well, Tempe. Cross ya' fingaz.

The latest media is Mitch Hedberg, Army of Lovers; Crucified, Alex Pardee, (the super handsome, intelligent, talented) Jeremy Fish (see video below), Hole, The Killer Gerbil, oh yeah and I finally found the blog and store for flyingfortress!! (see below)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Afro Samurai

I'm going to sleep. With Afro Samurai. That is all. It's 2:34am.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Favorite Conversation

This is my favorite conversation I've ever had with my friend Ashley. Or anybody for that matter:

Ash: Mike, have you ever even seen a real vagina?
Me: Yeah, I saw yours like 2 hours ago remember?
Ash: Oh yeah.

Michael Phelps

and I TOTALLY need to hang out. Nice choice on the RooR!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ichi the Killer

Here's a doozy for y'all. It's become one of my favorite horror movies. From the acclaimed Japanese director Takashi Miike the master of Japanese horror/torture/insane gruesome cinema comes Ichi the Killer. Actually it came out quite a while ago but we in America just don't have the guts to watch this kind of stuff in theater. Of course being the Japan nut that I am I fell in love the first time I watched it. I've always admired films that seem to have a super human quality to them but no super human powers. The characters are obviously human but traumatized at childhood or had some sort of fetish for the unusual sending them onto a path of life that creates more than your average man. I won't ruin the story, actually I couldn't come close to describing the awesomeness of the movie but the overview is a yakuza foot soldiers master has gone missing and he will stop at nothing to find him. It doesn't contain much culture as most great Japanese films do but if your a fan of gore, horror, torture, yakuza, self mutilation, terror, revenge, and the insanity that Japanese films are so famous for then you will enjoy this movie. Even if your not too big on all that jazz you should watch it anyways!! Enjoy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I can't wait..... for Liev Schreiber

There haven't been any movies that I've felt thrilled about seeing in theaters lately. For quite some time now actually. The last movie I saw was the new Batman movie The Dark Knight. It was a well done movie but I'm not much for action films. I was hoping it would be a little more comic bookish. But there are a few coming up around May this year that I will definitely be willing to fork up 10 bucks to see. Here's the ones I'm aware of thus far.

The Watchmen

Angels & Demons

Star Trek

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I know Hugh Jackman is a total stud beefcake, but check out Sabertooth being played by Liev Schreiber..... WOOF!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I put on my robe and wizard hat

I got this via

bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
BritneySpears14: Aight.
bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.
BritneySpears14: Oh, I like to play dress up.
bloodninja: Me too baby.
BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.
bloodninja: I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
BritneySpears14: Hey...
bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 Cock of the Infinite.
BritneySpears14: Funny I still don't see it.
bloodninja: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty F*ck of the Beyondness.
BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.
bloodninja: Don't f*ck with me bitch, I'm the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.
bloodninja: I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.
BritneySpears14: Don't ever message me again you piece of ****.
bloodninja: Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.
bloodninja: King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik's evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.
bloodninja: You still there baby? I think it's getting hard now.
bloodninja: Baby?

I'm amazed.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

So it's superbowl day today. I guess I should be a little more excited since the Cardinals are gonna be there but, blah. I'm way more excited that my aunt is making a bunch of football food and bought me beer. I'm definitely not going anywhere tonight, especially if they win. The streets are gonna be full of psychos!! Tomorrow's Monday and I have to start looking for work again. I've decided if I need to take a pay cut to find a job that is NOT dealing with assholes and getting yelled at by people over the phone that is what I'll do. No more coming home from work wanting to kill people, no more abusive assholes that use me as their whipping boy, no more adults that act like spoiled children, NO MORE! I just can't deal that kind of behavior. Plus I have some legal matters to deal with this month and don't need anymore stress.

On a happy note it was my Birthday on Thursday. stayed at home with family and ate a chimichanga from Macayos. De-lish. I really didn't feel like going out and doing anything. Not that I have any money to spend anyhow, but I had a nice relaxing Birthday. 3 more years and I'll be 30. Oh god....

Just finished watching Shogun the TV series for the 80s I believe. Very good. If you haven't seen it or read the book by James Clavell I highly suggest it.

In the meantime I've been catching up on old podcasts that have long since been abandoned, but if your interested in hearing some humor, politics, rants, and just general good listening please visit them. I plan on having a podcast and blogroll added to my sidebar within a day or so. Just check out the links.

And please if anyone is in San Fran check out the new exhibit by Greg "Craola" Simkins. The link to his site and blog is One of my FAVORITE artists. here is a little info on the show:

"Seeing Things" is the continued thought from the "It Wanders" series capturing the odd collections of Greg "Craola" Simkins' imagination and displaying them in surreal still life situations.

Opening Reception: February 5th, 2009

Showing: Feb. 5th-26th, 2009

FIFTY24SF Gallery

252 Fillmore Street

San Francisco, CA 94117

Friday, January 23, 2009


Hello my 0 followers. I have a great little clip for you. I was talking to my aunt the other night and somehow ended up talking about one of my favorite artists/animators Bill Plympton. He has done work for several companies such as Trivial Pursuit, Nutrasweet, Taco Bell, AT&T, Nike, Geico, United Airlines and Mercedes-Benz. You might also remember his contributions to MTV between shows. When you see his style it's quite obvious. If you get a chance watch my favorite short "Your Face" (i couldn't find it on youtube) a contorted face morphing of artistic bliss. He has also produced and animated several films including The Tune, I Married A Strange Person, Hair High, and his latest film Idiots and Angels. I think it's just astonishing to imagine he personally animated these films ranging around 30,000 50,000 cells. That's a lotta pencil!!

Other than that not much else going on here. Still no job offers. I might take the plunge and get some low paying job just so I don't feel so lazy and to have some spending cash. I have plenty saved up to last for a few months but that's no excuse to not have a job. I'm still waiting for my W2 forms so I can apply for student aid. I'll probably be cashing my 401K as well. It's not much so I'm really not worried about losing it. Once I finish college I'll take it more seriously. But until then...

My aunt and uncle just left for the weekend! House is all to myself! Woot woot! Partay! Yeah right, I don't even know how to party anymore. And with that i bid you farewell. Ciao.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Lost Room

After watching the BSG miniseries i was reminded of another GREAT sci-fi channel miniseries called The Lost Room. It has become one of my favorites ever!!!

The overview is the super hothothot Peter Krause (from Six Feet Under) comes into possession of a Key that opens any door in the world. When used it leads him to a hotel room. From there all he has to do is think of where he wants to go and the door takes him there. Only catch is any changes made to the room are reset and items are lost when the door is shut and reopened. Unfortunately he loses something very important in the room and must find it. Along the way he comes into contact with people possessing other "objects" that have several varying properties. Some useful, some not so much. The Pencil makes a Penny when tapped on a table, the Glasses stop combustion within 50 feet, the Scissors rotate things, etc. Just remember.... the objects want to find each other. If you possess one you are in grave danger....

If you don't feel like downloading try going to and search for it. The link to megavideo is only missing one episode i think. Megavideo usually has decent quality.

If your into sci-fi you should definitely check it out. Even if your not too big on sci-fi there's always this...

For Fracks Sake

So I just finished watching the miniseries for Battlestar Galactica. I have instantly started downloading the first season. Amazing.

not to mention..

Friday, January 9, 2009

Machine Girl

Okay so not much going on today. Kinda loafed around the house waiting for job calls. BUT!!! i did remember this great movie i saw a while back so i thought i'd share with everyone. enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BSG - you know

Okay on a side note i got an awesome shirt for x-mas from my gurl Ash. Its a big heart with a mechanical unicorn in it surrounded by the phrase "i'm frackin magical". Now i thought it was cool as is until my cousin informs me its a Cylon unicorn (it has the red eye slit thing) and frackin is a means of saying fucking on the hit show Battlestar Galactica the new series. I now have to watch the entire series as i have never even watched one episode amd it seems to have very high reviews. I know. I know. Sci-fi guy thats never seen any of it. Lame.

Jello legs

Okay i said i would keep up with this thing and now i'm really going to try.... again.

So i lost my job a few weeks ago and have been on the job hunt. A little difficult in Phoenix considering everything is so spread out and i live in Glendale. Uh.. So i spent 6 hours today biking and busing my way around. My legs are Jello. Didn't find a whole lot of opportunity for hiring but applied anyways. i did get a call from some financial place (or something) and gave a little info. hopefully they call back. and i got an email from someone who found my resume on one of the several job sites i registered with. Im only going to work full time for a while this year then take out a shit ton of loans and finish school. hopefully make my way to Tucson for my Bachelors once i complete my Associates at Glendale Community College. Cross your fingers folks.

Other than that i had a little drama with a person in my close bubble. I won't go into too much detail but lets say alcohol makes people act a little funny. It was very strange. I'm not even really sure what i did. I'm just gonna lay low for a while till things cool off.

Now for something interesting. Is anyone excited to see My Bloody Valentine 3D?!?! I can't wait! i love 3D movies. Oh and Tim and Eric Awesome Show are performing at the ?Marque? later this month. Right around my birthday!! (Jan29 hint hint) this should be fun.

Somebody better damn read this!!