Friday, June 5, 2009


Well, well, well.... look what we have here.... and actual entry. I haven't done one of these thingys in like... YEARS! Totally! Okay don't make fun of me for trying to sound cool. I've been trying to get one of these in but between the new job, family visits, masturbation, dog sitting, grandma sitting, and the pool I just didn't feel up to it. Plus nothing is really going on lately. I missed a bunch of rad shows I really wanted to see, haven't been to the theater for a movie since The Dark Knight, no travel, blahblahblah. So there hasn't really been much to talk about. I've actually been trying to stay home a bit more. Keeps me away from alcohol on work nights and spending money that really ought to be going to credit cards, or as I like to call them "my goddamn fuckin bitch ass cunt card". I did manage to score the rarest dunny from the UK Kidrobot series by Doktor A.

Yeah, I'm sure your all so jealous your pretty little heads could pop but it's a big deal to me. What? Fuck you guys!!

Oh, AAANNNDDDD there's a dope new Alex Pardee show in Portland at Zerofriends!! I think it's about the only reason to go to Portland. And maybe some good pot.

I know i tend to go on about Alex but I just can't get enough of him. I don't think i would say he is my favorite artist, but his style and talent inspires me to try and push my own art as far as possible. Maybe if I ever finish some of my stuff I'll post it on here and feel all cool. Until then I'll continue reading my new book and playing with my new toy....

But I must say all this hermit behavior is really taking it's toll on me. I wanna go out and meet some new people but I've always had trouble doing so by myself. I usually meet people through other people or at some social event where I'm around at least a few familiar faces. I'm finding now that most friends I used to spend practically my whole time with are moving on. Several have moved away, had children (love you Alex and Andy and Jordan!!), or just seem to be on some other level than I am now. Not in a bad way, just not the same. I know I can't do the same thing as I have been for so long. Change is good. I just feel a little left behind, like everyone I know and everyone I meet is already on their way to the future while I'm struggling to clean the past out of the present. I know, boo hoo Mike. Its just life. Get over it. I'm just sayin.......

On a happier note the summer is ON! It's been getting pretty damn hot out here in the desert! Thankfully I have a great pool in the back yard. My aunt just switched out chlorine for a slightly salted pool. It's amazing!! It's much easier on the body and the eyes (kinda like me). I thought it was kinda strange at first though. The water tastes like tears. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of tears. Sounds like a heavy metal lyric.

Enough for now. I bid you all farewell with these lasting images of my newest obsession/boyfriend Johnny Gunn. Ciao darlings.

1 comment:

For Education said...

nice post...