Friday, January 23, 2009


Hello my 0 followers. I have a great little clip for you. I was talking to my aunt the other night and somehow ended up talking about one of my favorite artists/animators Bill Plympton. He has done work for several companies such as Trivial Pursuit, Nutrasweet, Taco Bell, AT&T, Nike, Geico, United Airlines and Mercedes-Benz. You might also remember his contributions to MTV between shows. When you see his style it's quite obvious. If you get a chance watch my favorite short "Your Face" (i couldn't find it on youtube) a contorted face morphing of artistic bliss. He has also produced and animated several films including The Tune, I Married A Strange Person, Hair High, and his latest film Idiots and Angels. I think it's just astonishing to imagine he personally animated these films ranging around 30,000 50,000 cells. That's a lotta pencil!!

Other than that not much else going on here. Still no job offers. I might take the plunge and get some low paying job just so I don't feel so lazy and to have some spending cash. I have plenty saved up to last for a few months but that's no excuse to not have a job. I'm still waiting for my W2 forms so I can apply for student aid. I'll probably be cashing my 401K as well. It's not much so I'm really not worried about losing it. Once I finish college I'll take it more seriously. But until then...

My aunt and uncle just left for the weekend! House is all to myself! Woot woot! Partay! Yeah right, I don't even know how to party anymore. And with that i bid you farewell. Ciao.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Lost Room

After watching the BSG miniseries i was reminded of another GREAT sci-fi channel miniseries called The Lost Room. It has become one of my favorites ever!!!

The overview is the super hothothot Peter Krause (from Six Feet Under) comes into possession of a Key that opens any door in the world. When used it leads him to a hotel room. From there all he has to do is think of where he wants to go and the door takes him there. Only catch is any changes made to the room are reset and items are lost when the door is shut and reopened. Unfortunately he loses something very important in the room and must find it. Along the way he comes into contact with people possessing other "objects" that have several varying properties. Some useful, some not so much. The Pencil makes a Penny when tapped on a table, the Glasses stop combustion within 50 feet, the Scissors rotate things, etc. Just remember.... the objects want to find each other. If you possess one you are in grave danger....

If you don't feel like downloading try going to and search for it. The link to megavideo is only missing one episode i think. Megavideo usually has decent quality.

If your into sci-fi you should definitely check it out. Even if your not too big on sci-fi there's always this...

For Fracks Sake

So I just finished watching the miniseries for Battlestar Galactica. I have instantly started downloading the first season. Amazing.

not to mention..

Friday, January 9, 2009

Machine Girl

Okay so not much going on today. Kinda loafed around the house waiting for job calls. BUT!!! i did remember this great movie i saw a while back so i thought i'd share with everyone. enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BSG - you know

Okay on a side note i got an awesome shirt for x-mas from my gurl Ash. Its a big heart with a mechanical unicorn in it surrounded by the phrase "i'm frackin magical". Now i thought it was cool as is until my cousin informs me its a Cylon unicorn (it has the red eye slit thing) and frackin is a means of saying fucking on the hit show Battlestar Galactica the new series. I now have to watch the entire series as i have never even watched one episode amd it seems to have very high reviews. I know. I know. Sci-fi guy thats never seen any of it. Lame.

Jello legs

Okay i said i would keep up with this thing and now i'm really going to try.... again.

So i lost my job a few weeks ago and have been on the job hunt. A little difficult in Phoenix considering everything is so spread out and i live in Glendale. Uh.. So i spent 6 hours today biking and busing my way around. My legs are Jello. Didn't find a whole lot of opportunity for hiring but applied anyways. i did get a call from some financial place (or something) and gave a little info. hopefully they call back. and i got an email from someone who found my resume on one of the several job sites i registered with. Im only going to work full time for a while this year then take out a shit ton of loans and finish school. hopefully make my way to Tucson for my Bachelors once i complete my Associates at Glendale Community College. Cross your fingers folks.

Other than that i had a little drama with a person in my close bubble. I won't go into too much detail but lets say alcohol makes people act a little funny. It was very strange. I'm not even really sure what i did. I'm just gonna lay low for a while till things cool off.

Now for something interesting. Is anyone excited to see My Bloody Valentine 3D?!?! I can't wait! i love 3D movies. Oh and Tim and Eric Awesome Show are performing at the ?Marque? later this month. Right around my birthday!! (Jan29 hint hint) this should be fun.

Somebody better damn read this!!